Very Good!
No offence, I was a bit skeptical about the quality of the cartoon (What with the not very good parodies/tributes pouring in). However, This exceeded my expectations! It was very funny,although some of the scenes were kinda dragged out longer than they should (Except the Scrubs penis conversation. that was perfect =D). I'm gonna make an In-depth review so you can see where you did great and where you need improvement:
Graphics: Always liked the Phoenix Wright Sprites. Need to make the movie a bit bigger, though.
Style: Phoenix Wrong Tribute. Not unique, but still great.
Sound: Great Clips man. Really liked the Scrubs quote. You could've done without a couple of the not good ones, like the Fat guy singing the "Doncha" song, and the kid singing. Actually, while we're at it, none of the singing ones were very good. The songs weren't funny.
Interactivity: Scene Select! Very Nice!
Humor and Overall: Very funny and very good!